Building on a comprehensive survey of 79 countries conducted by NTS Retail, our findings showed that the following tasks are top items on the list of retail objectives for leading CSPs.
Looking at the demand categories for specific solution components across various geographies, we saw that there are key differences in the way telcos address their approach to retail. Universally, the pandemic has caused an acceleration in retail evolution, amplified by shifts in consumer buying behavior.
Get the report and obtain profound insights on what telco execs around the globe are doing to set their businesses up for success in a post-pandemic retail environment.
Caleb Watson, Omni Operations Specialist at Spark New Zealand, is joining us on our blog to talk about Spark’s approach to retail, their outstanding flagship store in Auckland's Commercial Bay and the ongoing transition at the company to introduce a truly experiential approach to retail.
Since March 2020, it has undoubtedly been a very turbulent time for people all over the world. Since then, some things have massively changed due to the effects the pandemic has imposed on our everyday work. Looking back at the last few months of handling remote work at NTS Retail, we would like to give a perspective on the new reality for project managers and consultants that is emerging from the pandemic-related circumstances for companies all over the world.